Friday, January 20, 2012

#1: Preface

This is new to me.

That statement could describe so much of my life right now. I'm in a place I've never been to before. I'm spending my days with someone I've never met before. I'm doing things I've never done before. The surprising part? I love it!

I embarked on a journey almost 8 months ago. I had no idea how far it would take me or what I'd find when I got to the end. I still don't know. For the next 18 months I'm going to find out just what can happen when I put all my trust, efforts, energy, time, talents--everything that I am--on the Lord. Only He knows how far this will take me.

Last spring (2011) I decided to serve a full-time mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I spent the summer working and saving up for it and by October I had put in my application to be considered for a mission. The call came at the October and I was in the Provo Missionary Training Center before Christmas. Now I'm here in California for the next year and a half to share the good news of the gospel and help others come unto Christ.

My goal for this blog? To track the growth and progress I make as I turn to Jesus Christ and ask Him to change me into the person He has in mind for me. I've only got 18 short months to make a difference here in California and the lessons are already coming fast and hard. So here we go!

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