Thursday, March 1, 2012

#10: Driver and's a beautiful thing

Being a missionary brings lots of different experiences. For one thing, you're with the same person 24/7 for as long as you're assigned to work together. And you do everything with this person. Including driving. How does that work? Well let me tell you. In a normal car situation, you have a driver and a passenger. In a missionary car you have a driver and--are you ready for this?--a co-driver. Pretty exciting right? The driver is the one that's actually steering the car but the co-driver is there to help them navigate and to basically do whatever they can to make sure the driver gets where they need to go.

What does any of this have to do with you, you say? Well, let me tell you.

The other day we were driving around and I was giving my companion directions to our next appointment. See, I'm the co-driver and I'm the one with the map in hand so periodically I would tell her turn right at this stop sign...take a left at the next light...and so forth. It hit me that I was only giving her one direction at a time. I wondered if she was bothered by the fact that she really didn't know exactly where she was going. I didn't give her all of the details at once on how to get to our destination; I only gave her one turn at a time and she was fine with it. She knew that I would tell her when to turn and which direction to go when it was relevant for her to know and she was content to wait until it mattered.

Have you figured out where I'm going with this yet? Life is exactly like this! We have the best Co-driver in the universe to guide our decisions in life and He will get us where we're going one turn at a time. I didn't know a year ago that I would be serving a mission right now but I didn't need to know at the time. I don't know where I'll end up after my 18 months is done here but I don't need to know right now. When I get to the point where those decisions need to be made my Co-driver will speak up and let me know which direction to go. I just need to make sure that I'm keeping that line of communication open with Him so that when He speaks I can hear Him.

Have you checked in with your Co-driver lately?

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